Summit Peak Estates by Mamre Floor has a variety of flooring colors that will compliment any color scheme and interior design. This collections comes in 8 appealing colors that will highlight any room in the house. Summit Peak Estates Collection comes in 7.5″ wide, 73″ long and is 5/8″ thick with a 3mm wear layer. Made with European oak this floor is made to last, because of the wired brush finish any imperfection will not be visible to the eye.
What flooring color best suits you?

If you’ve always wanted the beach house look without living near an ocean then, Shenandoah is a perfect color for you. This floor will fit perfect with any light color scheme. And if you are following the latest trends, then this floor will surely make you home talk of the town.

Besides trying to make your home into a beach house Summit Peak Estates also has other timeless colors.Cascades is another popular color that will blend in easily with dark shades. The natural look and variation will make this floor tie in with any decor in your home.

Now if you are looking for a Super trendy floor than Ozarks will be perfect for your modern house. With its white stain and wire brush finish Ozark will blend in perfectly with Grey tones and white tones. This floor will be perfect in any lighting.

Gallatin will fit perfectly in any style home. It goes well will dark colors as long as light colors. This natural color is timeless look that won’t be going out of style any time soon. The wire brushing will make this floor ideal for any family.

Summit Peak Estates was made for any style home regardless of what is currently trending. Made with European Oak, the Summit Peak Estates was made to be durable and easy to clean. You will not have any buyers remorse going with this collection, It is the perfect length and width that will compliment any style house and and interior scheme.